学 历 |
所在学校 |
所在学院 |
时 间 |
博士后 |
电子科技大学 |
电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室 |
2004-2006 |
博 士 |
华中科技大学 |
物理学院 |
2000-2004 |
硕 士 |
华中科技大学 |
物理学院 |
1992-1995 |
主持5项科研课题(其中2项湖北省自然科学基金: 2011CDB418, 2009CDB166); 参与多项国家自然科学基金、国家高技术研究发展计划、国防重点基金、国防预研基金、国防科工委项目等课题的研究。
在Materials Letters, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Microelectronics Journal, International Journal of Electronics, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,《人工晶体学报》和《真空科学与技术学报》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文90余篇, 其中SCI收录20余篇、EI收录50余篇。
[1] Z.Y. Zhong*, T. Zhang, “Microstructure and optoelectronic properties of titanium-doped ZnO thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering”, Materials Letters, 96 (1): 237-239, 2013.
[2] T. Zhang, Z. Zhong*, H. Wang, “Microstructural and optoelectronic properties of rf magnetron sputtered ZnO:(Ga,Ti) semiconductor thin films”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, DOI: 10.1007/s10854-013-1202-6, 2013.
[3] J. Zhou, Z.Y. Zhong*, “Structural and optoelectrical properties of Ga-doped ZnO semiconductor thin films grown by magnetron sputtering”, Crystal Research and Technology, 47 (9): 944-952, 2012.
[4] Z.Y. Zhong*, C.Y. Yang, J.H. Gu, “Study on the output characteristics of organic photovoltaic cells”, Advanced Materials Research, 347-353: 1314-1317, 2012.
[5] Zhong Zhi You*, Gu Jin Hua, “Electrical, optical and microstructural properties of transparent conducting GZO thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 530 (1): 11-17, 2012.
[6] Zhong Zhi You*, Gu Jin Hua, Yang Chun Yong, Hou Jin, “Microstructural and optoelectrical properties of transparent conducting ZnO:Al thin films for organic solar cells”, Crystal Research and Technology, 47 (10): 1039-1046, 2012.
[7] Zhong Zhi-You*, Gu Jin-Hua, Sun Feng-Lou, Yang Chun-Yong, Hou Jin, “Preparation and properties study of gallium-doped zinc oxide transparent conductive thin films”, Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 41 (5): 1337-1344, 2012.
[8] Zhong Zhi You*, Gu Jin Hua, Sun Feng Lou, “Optoelectrical characteristics of organic light-emitting devices fabricated with different cathodes”, International Journal of Electronics, 98 (1): 129-135, 2011.
[9] Zhong Zhi You*, Gu Jin Hua, “Structural, optical and electrical characterization of ZnO:Ga thin films for organic photovoltaic applications”, Materials Letters, 65 (21-22): 3234-3236, 2011.
[10] Zhong Zhi You*, Gu Jin Hua, “Luminescent and electrical performance of polymer light-emitting electrochemical cells with treated indium-tin-oxide electrodes”, International Journal of Electronics, 97 (1): 99-104, 2010.